Auto Trader Group Dividend yield

 Price  6.06
 Dividend  0.08
 Earnings  0.26
 Cash-flow  0.29
 Book value  0.58
 Equity  0.53

Auto Trader Group is part of Media business, which is part of Consumer Services industry. Auto Trader Group is a company from UK, and his stocks are publicly traded.

Auto Trader Group stock dividend

Auto Trader Group paid a total dividend of 73 million GBP last year, for a market value of 5,557 millions (Market Cap 5,433 millions). Auto Trader Group dividend per share is 0.08 GBP, and his stock market price 6.06 GBP.

According to the chart below, where dividend yield is displayed, Auto Trader Group has a dividend yield of 1.39%, lower than the amount offered by both the market average and companies from UK. It is also lower than average of Consumer Services industry. This low dividend yield might has several explanations: company overpriced, expanding their business,...

In addition, you should compare Auto Trader Group stocks dividend with other Media companies or other of the high UK dividend stocks list.

Dividend yield of Auto Trader Group

Auto Trader Group Dividend Payout

About the ability of Auto Trader Group to maintain his current dividend of GBP 0.08 per share, an amount that accounts for 1.39%, we should study its payout ratio both on earnings and on cash-flows (see chart below). Auto Trader Group payout on ernings is currently 30.77%, which is lower than the market average and companies of Consumer Services industry, which are 39.34% and 31.45% respectively. Both figures lead us to believe that there is confidence that Auto Trader Groupcan maintain his current dividend.

The payout on earnings should be complemented with the payout on cash flow since it is this last amount the one which can be distributed to shareholders. Cash flow per share of Auto Trader Group is GBP 0.29 per share, which is higher than the dividend per share paid by the company of GBP 0.08, so the company generates enough cash to maintain his dividend in the future.

The following figure shows payout ratios over earnings and cashflow of Auto Trader Group, compared againt world market average, UK companies, Consumer Services industry and Media sector companies.

Auto Trader Group payout

Auto Trader Group Dividend History

Below you will find a table with the historical evolution of Auto Trader Group's dividend stock, both in percentage and in GBP, its Payout on Earnings and the number of shares (in case there is an split, number shares altered the dividend per share).

Year Yield  GBP  Paypout  Shares* 

*In millions

Then you can see the evolution of Auto Trader Group dividend stock, and compare it with the average of UK stocks and that of the Media stocks.

Auto Trader Group stock dividend history

Auto Trader Group Stock performance

Finally, last moth Auto Trader Group showed a return of -6.10% compared to a worldwide -2.49% average, and a -3.06% of Consumer Services firms. Over the last year, the company obtained a -7.00% versus a worldwide performance of a 8.71%. More detailed information can be seen in the following graph for UK and Media firms.

Auto Trader Group stock and market return